Tallulah Shepard

Meet Tallulah

As Greenbelt Alliance’s Senior Marketing & Communications Associate, Tallulah weaves digital storytelling, community engagement and climate resilience to amplify Greenbelt Alliance’s work.

Over the last six years, Tallulah (they/she) has developed a profound appreciation for the transformative power of storytelling. Talulah’s journey into advocacy began during the September climate strikes of 2019, igniting a passion for bold climate action and a shift toward a regenerative economy. Their background in digital media, research and community organizing has equipped them with skills in graphic design, facilitation, interviewing, and narrative crafting, which they leverage to translate our climate resilience initiatives into captivating visual media and content for both in-person and digital audiences.

With a foundation in Psychology, Film & Digital Media from UC Santa Cruz, and a M.A. in Anthropology & Social Change from the California Institute of Integral Studies, Tallulah’s research interests span contemporary social movements, critical media analysis and image-making, capacity building and urban geography.

She currently lives in Oakland with her friends and their three dogs, where she enjoys biking, cooking, and wrestling with their dogs—who usually come out on top.

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