Nature for People

The challenge: Many people lack access to, and information about, the Bay Area’s natural places and the solutions they provide to build more climate resilience in ways that benefit ecosystems and communities equitably.

The solution: Greenbelt Alliance is deepening the connection between humans and the natural world so that communities can leverage nature’s many benefits to steward the greenspaces and lands that are critical to thrive. Here’s how…



Greenbelt Alliance will provide free, guided walks and hikes as a unique and engaging way to learn about the natural benefits of the Bay Area. Our team of expert outing leaders include urban planners, docents, and naturalists all knowledgeable in the region’s policy landscape, land-use issues, ecology, and history.

Through outings and other learning opportunities like workshops and trainings, a deeper connection to our natural lands is established, driving the will to protect and steward these places for generations to come.


Greenbelt Alliance will drive local advocacy efforts to stop development on lands that contain resources needed to adapt to climate change. We will further policies that advance new development within existing cities. We will amplify initiatives that preserve open spaces and promote urban greening opportunities.

By building community will, the right decisions will be made when it comes to protecting the lands we must rely on to build resilience to climate change. As a result, everyone will have access to nature and its multitude of benefits.


Greenbelt Alliance will focus on places that are being deeply affected by climate hazards. Through our Bay Area Resilience Hotspot initiative, we have identified communities that need our help the most and will collaborate with decision makers, community leaders, and residents to leverage nature to adapt.

Doing things like planting trees for shade, converting schoolyards into greenspaces, and creating resilience hubs for refuge will allow for at-risk residents to not only survive, but thrive during climate events like extreme heat.


Extreme Heat Mitigation


Greenbelt Outings

Urban Growth Boundaries

Stopping Sprawl

Extreme Heat Mitigation

We are working in places like Southwest Santa Rosa to reduce heat impacts and improve health outcomes by expanding tree canopy and access to green space. 

Resilience Hubs

We are working in Gilroy to establish resilience hubs and cooling centers to provide heat refuge and community services.

Greenbelt Outings

A dedicated group of volunteers and staff lead free, guided hikes and walks throughout the region nearly every weekend of the year!

Urban Growth Boundaries

Throughout the region, we are advocating for Urban Growth Boundaries—an effective policy to protect open spaces and direct growth in the right places.

Stopping Sprawl

We are committed to driving local advocacy efforts across the region to stop sprawling developments that threaten critical natural landscapes.


Yes on Measure S in Pleasant Hill and Say Yes to Parks

A YES Vote on Measure S in Pleasant Hill will boost investment in the City’s park and recreation system and improve the quality of life for communities. Measure S asks voters to allow the Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District to authorize the sale of $77 million in bonds to fund parks maintenance and repairs

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No on Measure II in Dublin to Protect Open Space

Measure II in Dublin asks voters to expand the Urban Limit Line established by the Open Space Initiative in 2014, which would extend Dublin Boulevard to Livermore and enable commercial development on Dublin’s open spaces.  We urge Dublin voters to vote NO on Measure II to protect critical open spaces separating Dublin and Livermore. Why

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Harvesting Hope: A Sonoma Luncheon for Wildfire Resilience

On May 18, 2024, Greenbelt Alliance supporters gathered at William and Helga Andereck’s beautiful home for our annual Sonoma Luncheon. Our guests mingled over drinks and participated in a special garden tour before our delicious, sustainable farm-to-table lunch. Our hosts, Bill and Helga purchased the property, Frog Creek Farm in 2015, and have been stewarding

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From Surviving to Thriving: Greenbelt Alliance’s Agenda for Change

What does it mean to be climate resilient in 2024? This is top of mind as California emerges from a deluge of rainfall this winter bracing for what’s around the corner with wildfires. We can all agree that climate change is here. The Bay Area’s greatest challenge—and opportunity—is to prepare our landscapes and climate-vulnerable communities

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