Measure II in Dublin asks voters to expand the Urban Limit Line established by the Open Space Initiative in 2014, which would extend Dublin Boulevard to Livermore and enable commercial development on Dublin’s open spaces. We urge Dublin voters to vote NO on Measure II to protect critical open spaces separating Dublin and Livermore.
Why It Matters
Southern Doolan Canyon and Crosby property is a beautiful area between Dublin and Livermore that has been protected by the 2014 Dublin Open Space Initiative. Doolan Canyon provides habitat corridors for wildlife including endangered species such as the Alameda whipsnake and red-legged frog. This area also contains riparian and wetland habitats that support a variety of special status species, including rare alkali soil plant species.
The development of commercial property in this area would begin to destroy the open space that has been preserved for years. Instead, the City of Dublin should prioritize building on existing infrastructure and continue to preserve its precious open spaces.
Greenbelt Alliance urges a No vote for Measure II in Dublin on the ballot this November.