Picture of Marla Wilson

Marla Wilson

Building a Jobs-Rich Region: A conversation with Ryan Avent

In today’s uneasy economic times, both CEOs and policymakers are searching for ways to maintain that special advantage that will set our region apart  from the world’s competition. What are the proven solutions local governments can turn to so they can stand apart from other cities in attracting new investment? What are the current barriers to economic competitiveness holding back Bay Area firms from expanding and creating new jobs?

Greenbelt Alliance has long advocated for place-based solutions to address many challenges and preserve what is special about the Bay Area. Join us on April 19 for “Building a Jobs-Rich Region: A Conversation with Ryan Avent,” a special event about the Bay Area’s economic outlook. Ryan Avent, economics correspondent for The Economist and author of The Gated City, will be in dialogue with Carl Guardino, President and CEO of the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, about the Bay Area’s future and what the region can do to remain on the cutting-edge.

This event is co-sponsored by Silicon Valley Leadership Group, the Urban Studies Program at Stanford University, and the Bill Lane Center for the American West at Stanford University

Date: Thursday, April 19, 2012
Time: 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: Cemex Auditorium, 641 Knight Way, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Palo Alto

RSVP required.

Problems RSVPing? Email Online Communications Manager Sara Barz.



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