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Greenbelt Alliance

Concord Naval Weapons Station Reuse Plan – Almost There!

On February 9, Concord residents expressed their overall support for the Concord Naval Weapons Station Reuse Plan while insisting that natural resource, jobs, and housing protections be improved before adoption. Reducing low-density housing, committing to a restoration plan for Mount Diablo Creek and establishing the parameters for an effective Climate Action Plan are critical issues that need to be addressed.

Concord has come a long way in three years. The City Council is poised to make a momentous decision that will determine not only the future of the Weapons Station, but the city itself. By including the mitigation language recommended by the Community Coalition for a Sustainable Concord in the Mitigation and Monitoring Plan of the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) the Reuse Plan has the foundation it needs for success.

Concord residents: Tell the City Council to demonstrate their leadership and commitment to economic and environmental sustainability and include the mitigation language provided by the Coalition.

Key Points

  • The FEIR must commit to a Climate Action Plan (CAP) with a realistic but firm schedule for developing and adopting the CAP.
  • The FEIR must commit to successful transit oriented development by establishing baseline criteria for a successful Transportation Demand Plan.
  • The FEIR must commit to specific studies and goals for creation a robust Housing Policy that addresses all levels of need.
  • The FEIR must commit to an Economic Opportunities Plan to ensure hiring and training of local workers at family-sustaining wages.
  • The FEIR must commit to comprehensive restoration of Mount Diablo Creek.

For more information please read the Community Coalition for a Sustainable Concord’s letter to the City Council.

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