Picture of Amanda Bornstein

Amanda Bornstein

Global Inspiration for Livable Cities: A film series

Join us for film viewings, discussion and organic popcorn Thursdays in September. Co-hosted by Greenbelt Alliance and The Share Exchange, the films will provide global perspectives on livable cities from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at The Share Exchange, 531 5th Street in Santa Rosa. The cost is $5 general admission and $3 for Share Exchange members. See you there!

Sept. 8: The Way Things Go: short films
We’ll watch a few inspiring short films followed by a discussion to figure out what fun and fantastic recycled materials we can use for an upcoming art installation in Santa Rosa–an SSU grad project supported by local teens, designers, and you.

Sept. 15: Bogota: Building A Sustainable City, Portland: A Sense of Place and Seoul: The Stream of Consciousness
Kickoff event for Santa Rosa PARK(ing) Day!

The first film is about Enrique Peñalosa, the former mayor of Bogotá, Colombia, who transformed one of the world’s most chaotic cities into a model of civic-minded and sustainable urban planning. But along the way, he met tremendous opposition from the very people he was attempting to help. (26 minutes)

The second film is about how a progressive public transportation portfolio helped Portland become a global model of transit-oriented development. Portland is consistently ranked as one of the country’s most livable cities, boasting a healthy two percent population growth annually — and the second lowest per capita transportation spending of the 28 largest U.S. metropolitan areas. (26 minutes)

Finally, the third film chronicles how Seoul took a rare step “back in time,” demolishing a major downtown freeway in 2003 to uncover and restore the ancient Cheonggyecheon stream that once flowed beneath it. The Cheonggyecheon is now a vital part of the city’s commercial and tourism sectors, and has proven that environmental restoration can revive culture and community, as well. (26 minutes)

Sept. 22: A Convenient Truth: Urban Solutions from Curitiba, Brazil and London: The Price of Traffic
Followed by a discussion facilitated by Amos Clifford of the Center for Restorative Process

The first documentary (Trailer here) focuses on innovations in transportation, recycling, and social benefits including affordable housing, seasonal parks, and the processes that transformed Curitiba into one of the most livable cities in the world. (52 minutes)

The second film highlights London’s controversial congestion charge that challenges the 20th century notion that cities should be designed around cars, and asks drivers to pay for access to public roads and parking spaces. This plan is the core of a sweeping push to transform London into a transit-efficient and pedestrian-friendly megacity in time for the 2012 Olympic games. (26 minutes)

Sept. 29: The Happy Movie
Followed by a discussion led by Beth Meredith and Eric Storm of Create the Good Life.

Do we live in a world that values and promotes happiness and well-being? Are we in the midst of a happiness revolution? Director Roko Belic takes us from the bayous of Louisiana to the deserts of Namibia to discover the secrets behind our most valued emotion. (approx. one hour)

What: Flicks, discussion & organic popcorn
When: Thursdays in September, 6:30-8:30 pm
$5 general admission; $3 for Share Exchange members

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