Picture of Matt Vander Sluis

Matt Vander Sluis

Greenbelt Alliance supports the proposed Alameda County Transportation Sales Tax

We are pleased to announce our support for Measure B1, the proposed reauthorization, increase, and extension of Alameda County’s ½ cent transportation sales tax.

As a member of the broad coalition that came together behind a Community Vision Platform, Greenbelt Alliance worked with stakeholders from across the region to craft a measure that would best meet the needs of Alameda County’s residents. While the final measure is not perfect, on balance, we believe that it points Alameda County in the right direction.

If Measure B1 passes in November, it will provide an unprecedented infusion of resources for transit, street repair, walking and biking infrastructure, and transit-oriented development. These investments are critical to support the creation of new homes, shops, and offices in walkable, transit-friendly neighborhoods within our cities and towns. Done right, this type of development can strengthen the quality of life for residents of all income levels, reinvigorate our economy, reduce carbon emissions, and protect our region’s open space resources.

We look forward to educating voters about the benefits of Measure B1. We’re also excited to work with the Alameda County Transportation Commission (ACTC) to ensure that more of our transportation investments reward those places that are doing the most for sustainable and equitable development.

In the short term, we encourage the ACTC to enact clear transit-oriented development policies that prioritize mixed-income development and community stabilization so that everyone benefits from community revitalization efforts. Let’s maximize the efficiency of transportation and land use policy to create a brighter future for the people of the Bay Area.

To learn more about Measure B1, visit yesonb1.com.

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