Picture of Matt Vander Sluis

Matt Vander Sluis

Sprawl development threatens east Dublin

UPDATE (3/27/14): The developers now have a competing initiative meant to confuse voters. Their initiative misleadingly establishes an urban limit line on the eastern edge of their proposed project, still allowing for the destruction of Doolan Canyon.

We need your help to collect the needed signatures for an urban growth boundary that truly protects Doolan Canyon!

Contact Juan Pablo Galván at jpgalvan@savemountdiablo.org or (925) 947-3535 to volunteer.

Doolan Canyon, a gorgeous expanse of open space between Dublin and Livermore that serves as critical wildlife habitat and ranchland, is at risk. Sprawl developers are pressuring the City of Dublin to approve a 2,000-unit housing development in the middle of this rural landscape.

But there’s hope.

Local environmental leaders—with support from groups like the Sierra Club, Greenbelt Alliance, and Save Mount Diablo—have drafted an initiative that would establish an urban growth boundary on Dublin’s eastern border. Urban growth boundaries are effective policies that designate where a city can and cannot grow. This initiative would close the last gap in urban growth boundaries across the Tri-Valley area.

We need to collect 3,500 signatures from Dublin residents to put the measure on the ballot. Will you help us?


What: Collect signatures (training will be provided)
When: Weekends starting now
Where: High-foot-traffic areas in Dublin

To get involved, contact Juan Pablo Galván at jpgalvan@savemountdiablo.org or (925) 947-3535.

With your help, we can ensure that Doolan Canyon will stay permanently protected from sprawl.

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