Alex Lunine

Alex Lunine is driven to turn “climate dread” into climate action—while strengthening his community in the process. His interest in climate change started early. From political science to sea level rise research, Lunine’s educational and professional trajectory instilled in him the multifaceted contributors of climate resilience.

Lunine moved to Suisun City right after college, where he continues to engage the local community around developing resilience to sea level rise. In 2022, he convened a series of Community Resilience Building workshops to mobilize the region to mitigate the impacts of flooding while understanding underlying social issues.

To actualize priority changes, Lunine believes community engagement must include input from climate-vulnerable populations who have often been omitted from planning processes. 

As Sustainable Solano’s Resilient Communities Program Manager, Lunine is focused on engaging residents in creating “ecologically regenerative, economically, and socially just communities” in Solano County. The organization supports the creation of garden installations, greywater systems, drought-resistant gardens, and more throughout public and community spaces and private homes. 

Lunine leads flood walks with high school students to educate youth on the importance and challenges of the Suisun Slough. Greenbelt Alliance looks forward to partnering on these educational outings and working with Lunine in his efforts to build resilience through educational initiatives.

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