Picture of Teri Shore

Teri Shore

Win: Antioch Votes Yes on Measure T

Update: Good News! Antioch voters passed Measure T, leaving it up to the people to decide if development should happen beyond the Urban Limit Line. This is a win for open space, farmlands, hills, streams, and wildlife habitat!

Kevin Riley, our Solano County Regional Representative and long-time resident of Antioch explains that “for decades, Antioch residents have had to endure thousands of new homes being built with little to no improvements for their own quality-of-life, their schools, job opportunities, commute times, or recreational parks. We are glad to see that this Measure can be appreciated for so many reasons: the environmental benefits, as a way to restrict traffic and commute times, and to give people a chance to vote on Antioch’s future. Measure T is a win for all of Antioch, and for local democracy.”

Measure T will protect open-space, farmlands, hills, streams, and wildlife habitat and require a vote of the people to expand growth beyond the Urban Limit Line—the boundary that marks the outer limit beyond which urban development isn’t allowed.

Measure T will hold back sprawling subdivisions from overtaking large swaths of natural and agricultural lands in Deer Valley and Sand Creek. The prettiest three miles in Antioch—Black Diamond Mines to Empire Mine Road—will also be set aside for a possible public trail.

With Measure T, it’s the voters who will get to decide if Antioch should grow beyond the Urban Limit Line or not. Measure T requires that major developments at the south edge of Antioch be placed on the ballot and decided by residents. This will encourage the City of Antioch to focus on climate SMART development where there is plenty of room to grow within city limits close to jobs, schools, and public transit.

Didn’t we already do this?

In 2018, Antioch residents and community group volunteers collected nearly 9,000 signatures to put this measure on the ballot. However, out-of-town developers sued the City to block the initiative. Lawsuits delayed it for two years until the court decided the City should put Measure T on the November 3, 2020 ballot. Read more on the history here.

The City of Antioch has room to grow within its Urban Limit Line. Measure T will ensure that residents—not big developers—decide where and when to allow more development.

Greenbelt Alliance is thrilled that Measure T has passed! Stay in touch with the Yes on Measure T campaign here.

Read the full ballot measure and impartial analysis for more information.

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