Picture of Jessie Brennan

Jessie Brennan

Earth Month 2022: What To Watch, Do, & Engage With

With the sobering insight presented in this recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), coupled with the extreme housing and climate crises our region is experiencing, we have kicked off Earth Month 2022 with a renewed sense of urgency to protect the people and places that make our planet special before it is too late. 

That’s why we’re ramping up our efforts throughout April to mobilize activists to help us make the environmental case for housing. We are doing this by organizing various learning opportunities that will train folks from all walks of life—including students at Maybeck High in Berkeley and professionals at NASA—on how to be effective activists in their communities. From tailored workshops to broader reaching events like our Resilience Playbook webinar on the benefits of nature-based solutions, our team of experts is empowering people to effect change where they live.

What exactly is the environmental case for housing? Keep reading to get the basics, and for a deeper dive, be sure to check out our upcoming webinar and Advocacy Workshop opportunities.

A Snapshot of the Environmental Case for Housing

The Bay Area’s natural landscapes make it a place of true wonder and beauty, but the reality is that California is one of the most climate-stressed places in the world. And in recent years, soaring housing costs have closed off opportunities, leading to a devastating increase in housing insecurity and homelessness that ultimately exposes vulnerable populations to harsh climate impacts including wildfires, floods, heatwaves, drought, and the list goes on. With Greenbelt Alliance’s decades of experience, the link between these two crises has become crystal clear.

By building more climate SMART—Sustainable, Mixed, Affordable, Resilient, Transit-Oriented—homes within urban areas, we a) house people across the income spectrum in urban places close to where they work; and b) protect our planet by protecting the open spaces that offer invaluable nature-based solutions to climate change, including carbon-capturing trees, wildfire buffer areas, and groundwater supply.

A Few Things You Can Do Right Now


We’re a small but mighty nonprofit that relies on the generous support of our donors. Every dollar donated supports the work we’re doing to make the environmental case for housing.


It’s already been mentioned, but we can’t stress our educational opportunities enough. After all, “knowledge is power”! So check out our upcoming events below and click here for more tailored advocacy workshops. 


Maybe the most obvious way to make the environmental case for housing is to take action on the initiatives we’re currently working on, which you can check out here. Another way to take action is to get involved in your city’s housing element update, which is definitely happening and is something you can learn more about here.

At the end of the day, this planet is the only home we’ve got. Greenbelt Alliance is working to protect it by starting at the local level, which requires activated and dedicated people like you to fight for a resilient future!

Header Photo: Markus Spiske via Unsplash

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