Picture of Lana Russell-Hurd

Lana Russell-Hurd

Grow SMART Rohnert Park

The City of Rohnert Park is currently in the process of planning for the neighborhood around its Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) Station.

With the area being designated as a Priority Development Area (PDA), this process is being funded by a grant from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments. Bounded by Highway 101 on the west, the SMART line on the east, Gulf Course Drive on the north, and Avrum Avenue and Santa Alicia Drive on the south, the 282-acre site includes the existing City Center, shopping centers, housing, and a vacant 30-acre site formerly occupied by State Farm Insurance.

Rohnert Park has an opportunity to create a thriving neighborhood that is an attractive and pleasant place to live, work, and play. As a member of the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC), Greenbelt Alliance will work with the City to guide the vision and policies of this plan. We and our partners want to see the plan include:

  • Safe places to walk and bike
  • Homes affordable to a range of income levels
  • Quality, local jobs
  • Enhancements to the character of the community
  • Sustainable development and infrastructure

At the March 4 CAC meeting, Greenbelt Alliance provided feedback on the three design concepts proposed by the City. We also pushed for safe, feasible transportation connections in the plan area. The next community workshop will be held in April and we encourage you to attend and tell the City what you’d like to see for the neighborhood around the Rohnert Park SMART Station. Stay tuned for details.

To learn more, visit the Rohnert Park website or email Lana Russell-Hurd at lrussellhurd@greenbelt.org.

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