Picture of Teri Shore

Teri Shore

Windsor Votes YES on Measure H to Renew Urban Growth Boundary

UPDATE: We’re excited that Measure H passed in the November 2017 election!

The Town of Windsor in Sonoma County held a special election on November 7 to renew its urban growth boundary (UGB) for another 22 years through Measure H. In a resounding win with over 70% approval, the local community turned out in support of protecting open space and planning for smart growth.

Windsor UGB Background

The Town of Windsor in Sonoma County held a special election on November 7 to renew its urban growth boundary (UGB) for another 22 years through Measure H.

The growth boundary draws a clear line around the town, beyond which major development isn’t allowed. Changes to the growth boundary are only allowed with a vote of the people.

Measure H will “lock in” two more decades of voter protections for the natural and agricultural lands surrounding Windsor while encouraging new homes and businesses within town.

Windsor voters first approved their UGB in January 1998 with 72% of the vote. Recent polling found that 75% of Windsor residents support renewing the UGB before it expires at the end of 2017.

Earlier this year on a unanimous 3–0 vote, the Windsor Town Council approved placing Measure H on the ballot. The city-sponsored measure extends the UGB and its voter protections for another generation. It also proposes expanding the growth boundary to allow development on approximately 22 additional acres of land adjacent to existing development in the southwest corner of town. While we’re disappointed about the 22-acre expansion, we believe that, overall, the measure is essential to safeguarding the iconic farms, forests, and watershed lands surrounding Windsor and deserves the support of all Windsor voters.

If passed, Measure H ensures that the UGB and its voter protections will remain in effect through 2040. If the measure is not approved, voter protections will expire at the end of the year, at which point the UGB could be amended at any time by a vote of the Town Council to allow sprawl development on lands outside the growth boundary.

Measure H needs a simple majority of voter approval to pass.

Greenbelt Alliance urges everyone in Windsor to vote YES on Measure H to renew the town’s urban growth boundary.

Learn more about Measure H here.

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