Livermore Vineyard by Jay Huang
Picture of Victor Flores

Victor Flores

Win: Livermore Votes Yes on Measure P

Update: We are excited to share that Livermore residents passed Measure P to support a vibrant wine country while preserving important agricultural land and enhancing the quality of life for residents!

Greenbelt Alliance encouraged the residents of Livermore to vote yes on Measure P to amend the South Livermore Urban Growth Boundary policies in the City’s General Plan to extend sewer service to permitted uses within the South Livermore Valley area. The lack of sewer service has caused the stagnation of the wine industry. The County’s South Livermore Area Plan calls for the expansion of agricultural use of wine to 5,000 acres but the total acreage used so far has stalled at around 2,800 acres. The expansion of sewer service is critical for the wine industry to thrive and extending this service will NOT allow for residential or non-wine industry-related commercial development.

Why We Supported Measure P

Conservation of these unique agricultural uses is key to our mission of protecting the greenbelt from sprawl development and supporting working agricultural lands. A vibrant and healthy wine country will support commercial success throughout the region, preserve important agricultural land, and enhance the quality of life for Tri-Valley residents.

Who Else Supports Measure P

  • Tri-Valley Conservancy
  • Friends of Livermore
  • East Bay Times
  • Friends of Open Space and Vineyards

Learn more about how Livermore’s Yes on P campaign protects groundwater, promotes a vibrant wine country, and preserves open space here.

Photo: Jay Huang via Flickr

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